Our graphic designers know how to combine your ideas with our experience to create the most effectively printed piece.    ...More>> After the designing and printing,the delicate job of precisely cutting, folding takes place.     ...More>> Our bindery staff knows how important your job is! After printing, the delicate job of precisely cutting, folding or binding takes place.    ...More>> ZAMZAM has been providing quality printing services since 1977.    ...More>>

  • Located in 10th of Ramadan City, we are strategically about 45 minutes from downtown and the airport, and about 2 hours from major seaports. Cairo branch is also located downtown, with main focus on short-run and print-on-demand customers.
  • Our focus as a leading commercial printer is to provide expert consultation, quality work and adherence to customer schedules. It is our goal to interact with, rather than react to, clients needs. Our many years of experience provide an excellent comfort level by realizing potential problems or concerns before a project goes to press. We regard customer satisfaction to be the single most important aspect of any order.
  • Thanks to our investment policy, that is to acquire those equipments which make us able to achieve products in compliance with quality requirements, we achieved an excellent technological endowment . Our large range of technological operations led us to offer a complete in-house facilities with which  we can achieve all kind of products.
  • Our clients located not only in Egypt but also abroad, are advertising agencies, publishing houses and direct beneficiaries.
  • We are familiar with the competitive scramble in this field, as a result of increasing quality requirements and innovation tendency in advertising. For this reason our efforts are to meet the competition and in the same time to generate new ideas and new solutions.

ZAMZAM. is a family business with dedicated professionals determined to provide our clients with a quality product, produced on time in a cost-efficient manner. Our personal attention to each job distinguishes our reputation as one of the finest printers in Egypt.

Over 6,000 sq meters of floor space, 120 skilled employees and high tech quality equipment at your disposal. Youssef Ezz, the company founder, has worked in the printing business for over 30 years. Many current employees have been with the company ten years or more.


  • Do you want your next print project to achieve the impact and response you desire,at a reasonable price? Our talented, in-house designers professionally design you a variety of projects ranging from simple page layout and typesetting to elaborate four-color process brochures and books.
  • We can help you achieve the impact and response you need.
  • Our ability to design using both PC and Macintosh platforms allows us to utilize your own important desktop files and incorporate them into your final piece. Our production facility uses only state-of-the-art technology. Design, proofing and CTP are all done on the premises.
    This ensures that the quality and integrity of your project will be maintained from start to finish.



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Feel free to contact us for a printing quote or with any questions or printing needs. We will follow up promptly.

Head Office & Presses

Industrial Area A1 (North), 10th of Ramadan City, Egypt
Tel. : +20 (0)55 4410322 / Mobile : +20 (0)1001664186
Fax. : +20 (0)55 4410323

Cairo Office

Ground floor, 53 Nubar Street, Down Town, Cairo, Egypt.
Tel. : +20 (0)2 27952362/ Mobile : +20 (0)1012214422
Fax. : +20 (0)2 27952362

Email : info@zamzam.com.eg



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